Gooooood morning world! Another sunrise post at 6:39 am on a Friday morning, because my phone rang at about 5 am. A wonderful old lady I met last night accidentally dialled my number, and I’m up.
I tried going back to sleep, but I’m clearly awake, so it’s back on this blog with an update: My About page is done and published, here.
I typed it out yesterday, and just made a few more tweaks.
While I typed, I noticed a few thoughts floating in my head…
You’d think, after being a ghostwriter, interviewing people, and writing their profiles for more than a decade, that writing my own story would come a lot easier. (Nope.) It’s strange to see myself in third person, and to write about myself in a way that’s…. professionally praise-worthy.
All profiles are about the things people have done, and the things people can do. And I’m much more used to writing out my thoughts like this, than I am thinking about myself as a… person worthy of praise. (hm. wow.)
As I typed and refined my profile, I gained a boost of confidence.
It’s like writing a good résumé.
When you bring together all the things you’ve done, and write about what you’ve learned, and tell people what they can rely on you for, it puts our life into perspective: we take a bird’s eye view. Suddenly we see that there’s a path through the forest, and we’re going somewhere.
It helps me feel a little bit better, knowing that I have skills to serve my clients, my friends, in their journey.
Highly recommended. (The writing about yourself. [ok i recommend myself too :D])
Image of flowers on a notebook and pen by Monfocus from Pixabay.
P.s. Another page created since this post was published! It’s where the contact form lives, and where you can find links to my social media profiles. Come over to say hi!