This week: I’m COVID-positive.

ARRUUGHHH!! I was really hoping to get through this pandemic without ever catching COVID, but it seems that life has other plans. šŸ™‚

So instead of waking up before sunrise, as I’ve done for a few weeks, this Monday I had to sleep in.

Timeline so far:

  • Friday: I met someone who turned out to be COVID-positive that evening.
  • Saturday: I tested negative and felt alright, so I went out to do my very first roadshow. I then had the unexpected blessing to follow a leader to a viewing. I started feeling a little overwhelmed, though I put it down to work, new experiences, and my body starting its cycle.
  • Sunday: I woke up with a sore throat. Still testing negative, I thought I slept in a weird position and perhaps snored all night. When I started getting tired, I figured I had the flu. There was a strange moment in the morning when my chest hurt, and I had no clue why (now I do. COVID.)
  • Monday: A very sore throat, exhausted, and the muscle aches came. I still tested negative. I couldn’t work, so napped, watched Netflix, and ate all sorts of food.
  • Tuesday: Woke with my throat sore, but otherwise felt alright. Was planning on going down to the office for a meeting, so I tested… and it came out positive. All plans shelved, I went to the doctor (who spent 30 seconds with me) and came home with generic meds.

So now I’m home, to self-isolate for three days.

I’m missing meetings and events and trainings that I was looking forward to. :/ Missing coaching, door knocking, a training session, sharing sessions, and spending time with my team and my manager (which always leads to learning and interesting and fruitful conversations)…

I’m frustrated. I’m envious.

And all that just tells me how much I really want to be there.

Which is wonderful.

To realise that I want to be there, that I want to do the work, that I want to spend my time and energy — it means I’m alive. And I’m so grateful.

(I wasn’t like this just a couple of months ago. My only focus back then was to make sure I ate. And ate enough.)

So I guess… though being COVID-positive is terrible, the timing is perfectly fine. It’s made me realise I am positive — about life — now. šŸ™‚


Image of a positive COVID ART test kit — yeah, that’s mine.


It took me a week to get well from COVID. Knocked out for three days, and then lost my voice.

Missed out on a great chance to shadow my manager — he heard my voice and called it “horrible”, and told me to stay home to rest.

I’m typing this two weeks later, and I’m not yet back on my sunrise schedule. Taking it easy, and I’m slowly getting up earlier every day.

Looking forward to getting back properly.

Second update:

The next few posts suddenly turn to real estate, as I used my downtime and recovery to bring over my real estate posts from another website.

If you’re here for the updates (hello reader, hello future me) and the personal stories, fast-forward to Hoppy Lunar New Year, or even How to stop overthinking.

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