Most of the things in my life
I fell in love with
because you loved them first.
And you could be anybody.
A stranger on the internet,
a new friend on the street,
someone who loves me.
It’s the spark
the fire
the light in your soul.
And having caught a glimpse of it
I tumble along in your trail.
Fall in love with the same thing.
And I find myself collecting things
and building a life
made up of other people’s passions.
When what I truly want
is the light in my own eyes
a spark in my own soul.
I want to fall in love
with something of my own.
So I chase down the butterflies that the others light up when they chase, hoping I light up the same way, watching them in their joy and
living through a window.
I can’t keep using mirrors to light up my room with their fires.
I can’t be chasing my own dreams when I’m really chasing theirs.
The years will pass
things will be hard
and effort made.
I might as well light my hearth
instead of spinning like a mirrorball.
Image of a tiny mirror ball by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay