The fun thing about writing a blog? I get to write whatever I want. The odd thing about writing a blog? I read what I write and I know instantly if I am inauthentic.
I don’t have to be right, I don’t have to be an amazing, interesting writer (though that would be nice). But I cannot allow myself to write something that isn’t true.
What’s the point of a blog or a journal if you’re not going to be true?
I’m trying to write a post about my goals and dreams and I found myself trying too hard.
I wasn’t trying to be smart or clever, I wasn’t trying to be impressive — my goals are simple and I didn’t embellish — but I found myself trying to fit into boxes and shapes and moulds…
I tried to explain myself, who I am, with just one word.
I found a word, I hit [Publish], and then realised I had written and published what was neat, not what was right.
Today I came back to change what I’ve written. And in the discomfort, in the effort, I realised that I had gone against an ideal, a value. I learned that I have authenticity as a value.
(Which led to this post being written, and the post about goals still hanging. 🙂 )
I must be authentic. My posts must be true. And now I carry that value consciously as I keep writing and editing.
Update: I did it! No one-word box for me. These are my dreams.
Image of a lighthouse by Martin Klass from Pixabay.