How lucky i am.

Jarrod is, to other people, a coach. A mindset coach who helps people figure out who they are, what they want, and how to become their next evolved self. 

To me, he’s my boyfriend. And he draws a clear line to make sure he supports, loves, encourages me, and not to coach me, because that’s a different role.

And for a while there was a part of me that felt sad – here’s a facet of him that I’ll never get to access. That while his clients have him to guide them on their journey, I’m left flopping and floundering on my own. I’ve got to find my own questions, check when I’m not answering, hold my own space. 

Then sometime between last night and this post, my perspective changed. 

How lucky I am. 

How lucky I am, that my boyfriend chooses to be my boyfriend, loving me without condition. 

How lucky I am, that he knows how uncomfortable growth is, and he wants me to find my own way in. 

How lucky I am, that I am exposed to the questions he asks, the questions that change people’s lives, just because I am with him and around him, and all I need is a little attention and curiosity.

How lucky I am, to be able to learn at my own pace, hold my own space, figure out when to hold myself accountable. 

How lucky I am, to be able to explore my own internal world, and walk my own internal journey. 

Jarrod tells his clients that his goal is for them to move on from him, able to grow and walk their journey on their own. 

A coach can help, and the help is not meant to be forever (because that means you’re not growing). 

If I find my way, make a little progress down my road, then I’ll have learned to hold my own hand.

And that’s growth he doesn’t want to take away from me. 

How lucky I am. 


Image a heart peeking out of a book by beasternchen from Pixabay.
I was reading a book I found of Jarrod’s shelf and that triggered these thoughts here.

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